Synder Filtration
Synder Filtration has a unique understanding of the membrane industry from its history as both a buyer and a supplier of membrane technology. Established in 1989, Synder Inc. originally specialized in manufacturing industrial enzymes, in which spiral membrane technology was a vital part of the overall process.
Over time, the founders became frustrated with the inconsistent product quality and lack of support from their existing membrane supplier. After a search for suitable alternatives ended in futility, the founders saw an opportunity to fill a void in process separations. As a result, Synder Filtration was established in 1994, a US wholly-owned membrane manufacturer in the San Francisco Bay Area. The founders had a vision to provide customers with the outstanding membranes, specialized process knowledge, flexibility, and service demanded by the founders themselves.
Thousands of customers and projects later, Synder Filtration is still guided by this philosophy, and still independent. Despite expansion into many new industries throughout the world, Synder has not lost sight of its roots in quality, flexibility, and service.